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131 Views 2 Comments March 12, 2025

The Rigveda, however, does not describe yoga, and there is little evidence as to what the practices were Early references to practices that later became part of yoga, are made in Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, the earliest Hindu Upanishad For example, the practice of pranayama consciously regulating breath is mentioned in hymn 1.5.23 of Brihadaranyaka Upanishad c. 900 BCE, and the practice of pratyahara concentrating all of one's senses on self is mentioned in hymn 8.15 of Chandogya Upanishad 800–700 BCE The Jaiminiya Upanishad Brahmana teaches mantra repetition and control breath.

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Ascetic practices tapas, concentration and bodily postures used by Vedic priests to conduct yajna sacrifice, might have been precursors to yoga Vratya, a group of ascetics mentioned in the Atharvaveda, emphasized on bodily postures which may have evolved into yogic asanas Early Samhitas also contain references to other group.


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According to Geoffrey Samuel, our "best evidence to date" suggests that yogic practices "developed in the same ascetic circles as the early śramaṇa movements Buddhists, Jainas and Ajivikas, probably in around the sixth and fifth centuries BCE." This occurred during what is called the ‘Second Urbanisation’ period.

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The early Buddhist texts describe yogic and meditative practices, some of which the Buddha borrowed from the śramaṇa tradition The Pali canon contains three passages in which the Buddha describes pressing the tongue against the palate for the purposes of controlling hunger or the mind, depending on the passage However, there is no mention of the tongue being inserted into the nasopharynx as in true khecarī mudrā. The Buddha used a posture where pressure is put on the perineum with the heel, similar to even modern postures used to stimulate Kundalini Some of the major suttas that discuss yogic practice include the Satipatthana sutta Four foundations of mindfulness sutta and the Anapanasati sutta Mindfulness of breathing sutta.

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The chronology of completion of these yoga-related Early Buddhist Texts, however, is unclear, just like ancient Hindu texts Early known Buddhist sources like the Majjhima Nikāya mention meditation, while the Anguttara Nikāya describes Jhāyins (meditators) that resemble early Hindu descriptions of Muni, Kesins and meditating ascetics but these meditation-practices are not called yoga in these text.

By Hetmayar

Yogshop Fit is where you can find balance, harmony and energy renewal amidst the hectic bustle of everyday pressures and deadlines. Relax & enjoy a personalized day yoga experience


The first known appearance of the word "yoga", with the same meaning as the modern term, is in the Katha Upanishad probably composed between the fifth and third century BCE where it is defined as the steady control of the senses, which along with cessation of mental activity, leading to a supreme state.[65][note 13] Katha Upanishad integrates the monism of early Upanishads with concepts of samkhya and yoga. It defines various levels of existence according to their proximity to the innermost being Ātman.

Onesicritus also mentions his colleague Calanus trying to meet them, who is initially denied audience, but later invited because he was sent by a "king curious of wisdom and philosophy" Onesicritus and Calanus learn that the yogins consider the best doctrine of life as "rid the spirit of not only pain, but also pleasure", that "man trains the body for toil in order that his opinions may be strengthened", that "there is no shame in life on frugal fare", and that "the best place to inhabit is one with scantiest equipment or outfit" These principles are significant to the history of spiritual side of yoga These may reflect the ancient roots of "undisturbed calmness" and "mindfulnes".

Written By

Rosalina D. William

The Yoga Sutras are also influenced by the Sramana traditions of Buddhism and Jainism, and may represent a further Brahmanical attempt to adopt yoga from the Sramana traditions As noted by Larson, there are numerous parallels in the concepts Samkhya, Yoga.


  • comment author
    Robert John
    January 13 2025

    Yoga and Vedanta are the two largest surviving schools of Hindu traditions. They share many thematic principles, concepts and belief in self soul, but diverge in degree, style and some of their methods.

  • comment author
    Christine Hill
    December 27 2025

    Yogshop is a contemporary yoga & pilates studio offering professional instruction to those seeking balance of mind and body.


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